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ㅍ智慧(지혜)가 부르지 아니하느냐 ㅎ明哲(명철)이 소리를
높이지 아니하느냐
Does not wisdom call out? Does not understanding raise her voice?
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그가 ㅏ길가의 높은 곳과 四巨里(사거리)에 서며
On the heights along the way, where the paths meet, she takes her stand;
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ㅑ城門(성문) 곁과 門(문) ㅓ어귀와 여러 出入(출입)하는 門(문)에서 불러 가로되
beside the gates leading into the city, at the entrances, she cries aloud:
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ㅕ사람들아 내가 너희를 부르며 내가 人子(인자)들에게 소리를 높이노라
To you, O men, I call out; I raise my voice to all mankind.
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ㅗ어리석은 者(자)들아 너희는 ㅛ明哲(명철)할찌니라 ㅜ미련한 者(자)들아 너희는 마음이 밝을찌니라 너희는 들을찌어다
You who are simple, gain prudence; you who are foolish, gain understanding.
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내가 가장 ㅠ善(선)한 것을 말하리라 내 입술을 열어 으正直(정직)을 내리라
Listen, for I have worthy things to say; I open my lips to speak what is right.
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이내 입은 眞理(진리)를 말하며 내 입술은 惡(악)을 미워하느니라
My mouth speaks what is true, for my lips detest wickedness.
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내 입의 말은 다 義(의)로운즉 그 가운데 ㅐ굽은 것과 悖逆(패역)한 것이 없나니
All the words of my mouth are just; none of them is crooked or perverse.
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이는 다 ㄱ聰明(총명) 있는 者(자)의 밝히 아는 바요 知識(지식) 얻은 者(자)의 正直(정직)히 여기는 바니라
To the discerning all of them are right; they are faultless to those who have knowledge.
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너희가 銀(은)을 받지 말고 ㄴ나의 訓戒(훈계)를 받으며 精金(정금)보다 知識(지식)을 얻으라
Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold,
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大抵(대저) ㄷ智慧(지혜)는 眞珠(진주)보다 나으므로 ㄹ무릇
願(원)하는 것을 이에 比較(비교)할 수 없음이니라
for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her.
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나 智慧(지혜)는 ㅁ明哲(명철)로 住所(주소)를 삼으며 知識(지식)과 ㅂ謹愼(근신)을 찾아 얻나니
I, wisdom, dwell together with prudence; I possess knowledge and discretion.
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ㅅ여호와를 敬畏(경외)하는 것은 ㅇ惡(악)을 미워하는 것이라 나는 ㅈ驕慢(교만)과 倨慢(거만)과 惡(악)한 行實(행실)과
ㅊ悖逆(패역)한 입을 미워하느니라
To fear the LORD is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech.
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내게는 ㅋ韜略(도략)과 ㅌ참 知識(지식)이 있으며 나는 明哲(명철)이라 ㅍ내게 能力(능력)이 있으므로
Counsel and sound judgment are mine; I have understanding and power.
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나로 말미암아 ㅎ王(왕)들이 治理(치리)하며 方伯(방백)들이 公義(공의)를 세우며
By me kings reign and rulers make laws that are just;
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나로 말미암아 宰相(재상)과 尊貴(존귀)한 者(자) 곧 世上(세상)의 모든 裁判官(재판관)들이 다스리느니라
by me princes govern, and all nobles who rule on earth.
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나를 사랑하는 者(자)들이 ㅏ나의 사랑을 입으며 ㅑ나를 1)懇切(간절)히 찾는 者(자)가 나를 만날 것이니라
I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.
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ㅓ富貴(부귀)가 내게 있고 ㅕ長久(장구)한 財物(재물)과 義(의)도 그러하니라
With me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity.
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내 열매는 ㅗ金(금)이나 精金(정금)보다 ㅛ나으며 내 所得(소득)은 ㅜ天銀(천은)보다 나으니라
My fruit is better than fine gold; what I yield surpasses choice silver.
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나는 義(의)로운 길로 行(행)하며 公平(공평)한 길 가운데로 다니나니
I walk in the way of righteousness, along the paths of justice,
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이는 나를 사랑하는 者(자)로 財物(재물)을 얻어서 그 곳간에 채우게 하려함이니라
bestowing wealth on those who love me and making their treasuries full.
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● ㅠ여호와께서 그 으造化(조화)의 始作(시작) 곧 이太初(태초)에 일하시기 前(전)에
ㅐ나를 가지셨으며
The LORD brought me forth as the first of his works, before his deeds of old;
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萬歲(만세) 前(전)부터 上告(상고)부터, ㄱ땅이 생기기 前(전)부터, ㄴ나가
세움을 입었나니
I was appointed from eternity, from the beginning, before the world began.
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아직 ㄷ바다가 생기지 아니하였고 큰 샘들이 있기 前(전)에 내가 이미 ㄹ났으며
When there were no oceans, I was given birth, when there were no springs abounding with water;
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山(산)이 ㅁ세우심을 입기 前(전)에 ㅂ언덕이 생기기 前(전)에 내가 이미 났으니
before the mountains were settled in place, before the hills, I was given birth,
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하나님이 아직 땅도 들도 世上(세상) 塵土(진토)의 根源(근원)도 짓지 아니하셨을 때에라
before he made the earth or its fields or any of the dust of the world.
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그가 ㅅ하늘을 지으시며 穹蒼(궁창)으로
ㅇ海面(해면)에 두르실 때에 내가 거기 있었고
I was there when he set the heavens in place, when he marked out the horizon on the face of the deep,
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그가 ㅈ위로 구름 하늘을 堅固(견고)하게 하시며 바다의 샘들을 힘있게 하시며
when he established the clouds above and fixed securely the fountains of the deep,
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ㅊ바다의 ㅋ限界(한계)를 定(정)하여 물로 命令(명령)을 거스리지 못하게 하시며 또 ㅌ땅의 基礎(기초)를 定(정)하실 때에
when he gave the sea its boundary so the waters would not overstep his command, and when he marked out the
foundations of the earth.
30 |
ㅍ내가 그 곁에 있어서 2)ㅎ創造者(창조자)가 되어 날마다 그 ㅏ기뻐하신 바가 되었으며
恒常(항상) 그 앞에서 즐거워하였으며
Then I was the craftsman at his side. I was filled with delight day after day, rejoicing always in his
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사람이 ㅑ居處(거처)할 땅에서 ㅓ즐거워하며 人子(인자)들을 기뻐하였었느니라
rejoicing in his whole world and delighting in mankind.
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● ㅕ아들들아 이제 내게 들으라 ㅗ내 道(도)를 지키는 者(자)가 福(복)이 있느니라
Now then, my sons, listen to me; blessed are those who keep my ways.
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ㅛ訓戒(훈계)를 들어서 智慧(지혜)를 얻으라 그것을 ㅜ버리지 말라
Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not ignore it.
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누구든지 ㅠ내게 들으며 날마다 내 門(문) 곁에서 기다리며 門楔柱(문설주) 옆에서 기다리는 者(자)는 福(복)이 있나니
Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway.
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大抵(대저) 으나를 얻는 者(자)는 이生命(생명)을 얻고 ㅐ여호와께 恩寵(은총)을 얻을 것임이니라
For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the LORD.
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그러나 ㄱ나를 3)잃는 者(자)는 ㄴ自己(자기)의 靈魂(영혼)을 害(해)하는 者(자)라 무릇
ㄷ나를 미워하는 者(자)는 ㄹ死亡(사망)을 사랑하느니라
But whoever fails to find me harms himself; all who hate me love death."